South Yardley residents are good and fair people. They deserve better - says Cllr Zaker Choudhry

Thank you, Lord Mayor.
Last month, I held a ward meeting in South Yardley which was very well attended by residents.
Lord Mayor. The people in my ward are straight talking and firm. They told that I should take back their concerns and tell the council what’s happening in South Yardley.
The people in my ward are good and reasonable. They don’t expect anything more than their fair share of services in return for council tax payments.
Three main topics were raised during the evening. Road safety, the state of the cemetery, HMO’s and general frustration with council services and costs.
Road safety was a big issue. In South Yardley there are a lot of roads that are used as rat runs, and speeding on the arterial roads is a major problem. They are angry that more hasn’t been done about this.
Yardley South is a place that has a lot of traffic coming through and lots of local businesses who attract customers to the area. The ENTF funding is welcome, but it is only enough for one or two projects. The area really needs a lot more investment to make it safer.
Another big issue that was raised was the state of cemeteries. In South Yardley we have a large cemetery, and several concerns were raised about the state of the grounds and some of the recent damage done by the storms. The trees that fell broke the tombs, and badgers are digging up graves.
I note that in this budget there are 10% increases on services across almost every line, which adds to the high increases seen in last year's budget for burial services.
The Leader and the Cabinet will know that I've raised the inadequate standards at cemeteries many times. All of our cemeteries need more investment for the people that they serve.
Multi faith prayer rooms. Wash facilities and toilets should be standard at all oof our cemeteries.
Residents are also frustrated about council tax going up by 7.5% whilst bins are out, unemptied. The area around flats and shops is a particular problem.
Recently we raised a motion about HMO’s. This is becoming a huge problem across the city, and something needs to be done urgently because otherwise our communities will never recover.
Residents in South Yardley are having to make difficult choices to make ends meet. This has been going on for a long time and when things like the bin strike happen and the streets become smelly – people get angry. This isn’t a political issue; it’s one that councillors from every party will know and understand.
This council needs to transform and modernise, and it’s clear that that isn’t happening. As a result, the financial burden keeps getting put onto the residents through increased costs or reduced services.
Labour, I am afraid to say that you are putting too much of a burden on working people.
Enough is enough. Now we need action and not talk.
Thank you, Lord Mayor.
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